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We invite you to support Kendall-Frost

kendall frost field station rendering

The Kendall-Frost Marsh is a striking oasis in the middle of the city. It provides many functions to our community extending far beyond the perimeter of the reserve, including insulating neighborhoods from the grave consequences of environmental degradation and strengthening the commercial resources that help San Diego thrive.

We are currently raising funds for a new Field Station and Learning Center that will support research, education, and outreach about the many services the marsh provides.



The Kendall-Frost Marsh Reserve:

Fights climate change

Salt marshes capture and store a substantial quantity of carbon, a vital component in strategies to “bend the curve” of greenhouse gas concentration in the decades to come.

Protects surrounding neighborhoods from coastal storms

The threat of storms intensifies as the sea level rises. Salt marshes act like sponges that absorb excess water during high tides and storm surges. This is particularly important for the high-density housing and public infrastructure that surrounds Kendall-Frost Marsh.

Cleans the water where we swim and boat

Microbes in the Kendall-Frost Marsh transform the water that drains from surrounding neighborhoods and prevents the buildup of nitrogen from fertilizers, pet waste, and sewage spills.In California, the total value of natural nitrogen removal service by marshes is over $5 billion.

Serves as a nursery for commercial fish

Fish species like the Pacific halibut spend their juvenile years in the marsh, where they are protected from predators and the strong currents of the bay and open ocean.

Provides habitat for endangered birds

Many birds and other species of plant and animal are adapted to this unusual mix of fresh and salty water that comes and goes with the tides. Kendall-Frost Marsh provides habitat for endangered species such as the Ridgeway’s rail and Belding’s savannah sparrow.